Dominican Sisters
Spiritual and Academic Leadership of the Dominican Sisters
We are privileged to have the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia (also known as the “Nashville Dominicans”) leading and teaching at our school. Acclaimed for their expertise in Catholic education and for their academic and spiritual leadership, they have spent the last 155 years enlightening the minds and hearts of young people with the Truth of Christ. The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia Congregation presently serve in 43 schools, teaching more than 15,000 students from preschool through college level.
“As Dominicans we prize truth and the development of intellectual virtues (which build culture). We value hard work, determination, highest educational standards, courage, honor, and fidelity. We earnestly strive, therefore, that
- our schools be academically superior;
- our instructors skilled in teaching the fundamental arts and disciplines;
- our students led to love knowledge and to excel in scholastic achievement.”
“We have a distinctive purpose, however: to foster the gospel spirit of freedom and charity. We seek to relate all human culture to the news of salvation.”
This is the Sisters’ vision for St. John Paul II:
- to foster an encounter with Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.
- to instill reverence for Christ, truly present in the Eucharist, and for Mary the Mother of God in fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
- to promote a greater awareness of the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person.
- to increase students’ freedom through a liberal arts education that develops skills and lays a strong academic foundation and fosters their ethical development
- to fulfill their God-given mission.
- to promote an authentic Catholic worldview that enables students to appreciate all that is good, true, beautiful, and wonderful in the culture and intentionally to foster the culture of life.
- to strengthen family life by offering support, guidance, and formation to parents in their role as primary educators of their children.