Veritatis Splendor--The Splendor of Truth



The Mathematics program provides a rigorous framework to gain understanding of concepts more deeply and more completely with every course. Math courses are integrated with the science courses. The abstract reasoning of mathematics requires that a student transcend all the concrete particulars of a situation and focus on quantity. The student must represent a situation symbolically, manipulate the symbols, and then relate the symbols back to the specific situation. This kind of thinking reveals the order inherent in creation as part of God’s design.


Math Courses

Algebra I (H)

Geometry (H)

Algebra II (H)

College Algebra

Pre-Calculus/Math Analysis (H)

AP Calculus AB

Math Department Faculty


Mr. Badley

B.A. Thomas Aquinas College

Mr. Ramos

B.S. John Carroll University

M.A. University of Phoenix


Mr. Serwach

Department Chair

B.A. New Jersey City University

M.S. Adam Mickiewicz University

M.A. New Jersey City University


Mrs. Strazzulla

M.S. Binghamton State University of New York.

Math Courses 

Texts & Recommended Readings

Algebra I

Text TBD

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, Latham

François Viète (1540-1603) French Catholic mathematician, considered to be the "Father of Modern Algebra."


Course in Geometry: Plane and Solid, Weeks or other TBD

Elements, Euclid

Filippo Brunellescchi (1377-1446) Italian Catholic, discovered geometric optical linear perspective; designed the world’s largest masonry dome.

Algebra II & Trigonometry

Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, Swokowski or other TBD

René Descartes (1596-1650) French Catholic mathematician who invented the Cartesian coordinate system and analytical geometry.


Pre-Calculus with Limits, Larson or other TBD

On Conic Sections, Apollonius

Fermat’s Last Theorem: The Proof

(AP) Calculus

Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Single Variable, Early Transcendental Functions, 6e, AP; Cengage or other TBD

Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Italian Catholic mathematician who wrote the first book discussing both differential and integral calculus; the most important woman in mathematics for over a millennium, honored by Pope Benedict XIV.

College Algebra

Intro to Calculus / Statistics

AP Statistics

AP Calculus