Veritatis Splendor--The Splendor of Truth

World Languages

World Languages

Our patron, Pope Saint John Paul II, studied philology, spoke eleven languages, and developed the idea of bringing young people together from every land and language to encounter Christ in the World Youth Days.

The World Youth Days, first begun by St. John Paul II in 1984, have gathered millions of Catholics under their own flags, praying in their own languages, dressed and dancing according to their culture’s customs, all united in faith, showing fraternal love, and becoming signs of hope to each other.

Students may study other languages online after completing two years of Latin or Spanish.


Spanish Courses

Spanish I

Spanish II

Heritage Spanish I

Heritage Spanish II

Spanish III

AP Spanish


Latin Courses

Latin I

Latin II

Latin III

AP Latin

World Language Department


Ms. Bustamante

B.A. Arizona State University

M.A. University of Mary


Mr. Leccese

B.A. Franciscan University

M.A. Franciscan University


Mrs. Widmaier

Department Chair

B.A. Arizona State University

M.Ed. Grand Canyon University